Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuning into oDesk Trends

Tuning into oDesk Trends

Learning the trends that happen in the oDesk job marketplace and positioning yourself as a player that can compete in a few fields will work best to increase your chances of earning a decent income on oDesk. If you are not an extremely talented individual or if your skills do not fall into the larger market trends, I would advise you not to focus on your strengths and limit yourself to them. It may be required to do other things that are in the larger markets not in your field of expertise. Check out the oConomy here at http://research.odesk.com/visualizations/country-dashboard/#/bubble.

Take my wife for example, she has worked for the financial cooperatives sector doing some basic accounting duties, accounts management and supervisory work in the real world but on oDesk she has done mostly non-voice administrative and data entry tasks. It suits her since she is busy with our daughter. For her, oDesk is something she can do to earn a little and still keep up with the rigors associated with our daughter growing up. If the end-game is money you can’t be choosy but you have to choose wisely. 

Even if you are an expert in your field and even relatively inexpensive as a contractor, you may find yourself without work if that expertise is not in a big enough market. Unless there is very little competition and your line of expertise happens to be unique and sought after, you may find yourself competing with others in both price and skill - making it troublesome and difficult to get a contract. When the end-game is earning a living One has to go outside their comfort zone and try out a few things they might like. If you happen to be lacking in the emerging trends and the current trends you have to take it upon yourself to learn a new skill and study hard. Maybe you can take on a job that pays low but trains you with a new skill you can use for other opportunities if they were to arise. One thing I would like to reiterate, do not limit yourself - be brave and expand your horizons. To be successful at a livelihood on oDesk, tuning into oDesk trends may help.

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